Exclusive forest tour in Sundarban- What to expect?


Exclusive forest tour in Sundarban- What to expect?

Sundarban is a delta region of the Bay of Bengal, which is one of the most most most most most unique and mysterious destinations in India for all nature lover tourists. It shares it’s border with Bangladesh and India. Later, Sundarban is also granted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is known as the home to the world’s largest mangrove forest and the royal Bengal tiger. If you are planning a special forest (jungle) tour in Sundarbans, here is what you can expect from this fun adventure. Sundarban tour is one of the most familiar tour packages in India now. All the tourists can make a Sundarban trip from Kolkata easily because of well connected by road, rail, and water.

1. Dense Mangrove Forests: It has a unique ecosystem and climate so the Sundarban is known for the dense mangrove forests, crisscrossed with an intricate network of waterways. As you enter the heart of the jungle, be prepared to be amazed by the biodiversity of this ecosystem which is uniquely identified.
2. Wildlife Encounters: The highlight of any Sundarban tour is the opportunity to see the Bengal tiger. While multiple sightseeing engaged all the tourists to spend their quality time. it's exciting to know you're in their area. Apart from the royal Bengal tigers, you can expect to see crocodiles, various species of deer, and a large number of wild birds.
3. Boat Safari: Most tours include boat safaris through the winding canals and rivers of the Sundarban. This guided tour offers an opportunity to witness the tranquillity of the jungle, interrupted only by the calls of exotic birds and the occasional disturbance in the undergrowth. This boat safari gives an amazing experience to all the tourists. Sometimes, tigers are seen in the river and canal side, because they come to the riverside for searching their food.
4. Unique Flora: The Sundarban has a variety of plants that have adapted to thrive in saline water conditions. Look out for the unique mangrove trees and unique plant species that call this place home.
5. Local Culture: The human inhabitants of Sundarban known as Mawalis have a rich cultural heritage. You can expect to interact with them, learn about their way of life, and taste their delicious cuisine. Most tour operators in Sundarban arrange local folk dances and other traditional dances in the evening.
6. Conservation Efforts: Along with climate change and habitat loss, the Sundarbans are facing many environmental challenges. Many tours provide information about the conservation efforts being undertaken to protect this fragile ecosystem.
7. Tranquil Sunsets: As the day draws to a close, the sun sinks below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue on the mangrove trees. The Sundarban sunset is a sight to be hold the end to an exploration.
8. Houseboat riding: Houseboat riding is an extraordinary experience on Sundarban tour. The tour operators serve lunch in the houseboat during the journey. Many young tourists prefer to night stay in the houseboat because all houseboats are designed to keep safety in mind. So, they can watch tigers, and crocodiles closely. Because sometimes swimming tigers and crocodiles are seen in the river. 
9. Bird-watching tower: There are many bird-watching towers available in Sundarban. Tourists can watch the wild animals and birds clearly from there. So, they can get a clear knowledge of wild animals.
Conclusion: A unique forest tour in Sundarban is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. It offers a unique combination of wildlife encounters, natural beauty, and cultural immersion. Just remember to respect the delicate balance of this ecosystem and leave nothing but footprints as you embark on this unforgettable journey.